Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Life Sucks v. Thank You

Life Sucks and Thank You
Emily McDowell

"Life Sucks"
"Thank You"
cannot coexist
in the

Lately, I've been reading a fair amount on how one can cultivate happiness. One of the practices that has worked best for me has been to take whatever opportunities I can to simply be grateful. For my girls, for my health, for my family and friends. For the cat curling up on my lap while I watch a diverting show. For a smile from the barrista at my favorite coffee shop. For a delicious meal, the sound of the rain, the budding flowers. And yes, sometimes even for Drew.

Concentrating on whatever brings you joy, or peace, or even on how your life isn't worse than it is* actually helps make you feel better.

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*In a grateful, not self-shaming, way. There's a difference between being glad that you're healthy and telling yourself that you shouldn't feel badly because you're not dying of cancer. The former helps; the latter often just makes you feel worse.

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